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Blood Safety Innovation Award

While I was freelancing at TerumoBCT I was given this site with approximately 90% of it designed and was asked to finish the design and then code the site.
Hispanic Contractors of Colorado

They wanted to redesign their current site and give it a more updated look. They also wanted to make sure it was more appealing to their demographic. I gave them two options and this is the one they chose.

I was asked to design a site for them based on what the owner visualized. I first designed and did the coding for a landing page, then was asked to design the rest of the site and to code it which I did.
The Heinrich Report

I was asked to redesign the Heinrich Marketing newsletter emails because they weren’t getting any clicks. After my redesign 99% of the people on the list clicked and are still clicking. The coding was done by a different person but I eventually brought it in house.
Wells Fargo

I was asked to design and code this newsletter for Wells Fargo, this was a re-design and re-code from their previous designer. They wanted the email to be more compatible with more email clients so I did the coding with inline CSS and basic HTML.
Young Philanthropist Foundation

YPF wanted to update the look on their site and have it hit their target audience better. Their target audience consists of teachers, students, and parents. I gave them three designs, they chose the third design.
PassTimeUSA Web Banner

PassTime wanted me to design a small web banner for them based on of a couple of magazine ad designs and a package design I did for them.
PassTimeUSA Print

After updating their brand identity I created several ads, brochures, and datasheets to promote their new look and services.